Come to Christ

You may have heard different ideas about salvation.

Perhaps you think it's about being a "good person" - so that you can go to heaven when you die. Perhaps you think that it's something you earn by doing good deeds - and something you might lose if you do enough bad things.

Maybe, you're not sure what salvation is about at all...

What is Salvation?

God is our Creator. The Maker of everything that was, is, or ever will be. Here's the incredibly good news... God, awesome and all-powerful, wants a relationship with you. A personal relationship. He wants to live every day of your life with you, and wants that relationship to last beyond this life, into eternity.

Here's the problem... Our sin keeps us from this relationship with God. It separates us from Him, breaking His heart and leaving us lost. We can't solve this heart issue, but God can. God sent His son to repair the broken relationship. Jesus came to our world and sacrificed Himself by dying on a cross to pay for our sin. Through this sacrifice, God gives us new life.

It's not about joining a church or religion. It's about stepping into a relationship with your Creator that lasts forever, and experiencing a full life with God here and now.

If you'd like to pray for that life today, please watch this video:

What's Next?

If you prayed to come to Christ, congratulations! The people of Emmanuel Church celebrate with you! We'd love to send you a gift, and we are here to help you take your next steps. Just fill out the form below, and we'll connect with you soon!

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Added: 3/6/2025
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